yZ Finance Mobile

A React Native Application

React-Native mobile app for my Yahoo-finance web scraper.


Scan to open

With an Android phone, you can scan this QR code with your Expo mobile App to load this project immediately.

Visit this app at it’s home on expo.io (https://expo.io/@fossnik/yz-finance-mobile)


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Recipe Trader

Culinary Social Network


I am very excited to announce RecipeTrader - my newest React.js demo website. RecipeTrader is a social network for sharing culinary recipes. It features user registration, login, and profile creation - all securely authenticated by JSON Web Token. Users can post recipes, and even like and comment on other users’ submissions.

This full-stack project employs a MongoDB backend, Express.js API, and a React.js frontend with Redux.js state management, and routes through React-router. It is deployed via a Heroku CI/CD pipeline, streamlined with Webpack, and accessible at recipetrader-demo.herokuapp.com

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Web Scraper, API, DB, and UI for - Yahoo Finance!

Demo Website


My first full-stack website is a React.js SPA built to present crypto-currency market data which is scraped nightly from Yahoo! Finance. The data is retrieved and interpreted by a Java web scraper, persisted to an SQLite database, and made accessible through a REST API for display by the React frontend.

- Frontend (Node.js)

  • Express.js
  • React.js
  • Redux.js
  • React Router

- Backend (Java)

  • Jsoup (Web Scraper)
  • systemd event timer
  • Express REST API

- Database

  • SQLite

- Web Hosting

  • Linode
  • Arch Linux

Java Source Code (Jsoup Web Scraper)